Our Mission
O’Hara Corporation’s century long family tradition will exceed the quality standards set by our worldwide customers through loyalty, service, and innovation.
Corporate Vision
As our leaders before us, O’Hara Corporation will continue to invest in our communities and employees while upholding our long standing traditions and values. We will integrate those ideals in our business strategies for future generations.
Our Products
Our Alaska origin frozen-at-sea groundfish is some of the finest raw material whitefish in the world. O’Hara Corporation is committed to providing a high quality, dependable H/G and whole round groundfish product.
O’Hara Corporation participates in one of the most well managed fisheries in the world. Our groundfish fleet has made great improvements to our fishery including 24-hour government observer coverage, 90% reduced bottom contact, 95% catch retention, and prohibited species catch reduction.
O’Hara Fleet
Highlighted by our new flagship vessel Araho, the O’Hara fishing fleet can catch, process, and freeze our fish within hours of leaving the cold waters off Alaska. The addition of Alaska Spirit has made the O’Hara fleet one of the largest in our fishery.